January 5, 2023

Board of Trustees Meeting
Agenda – January 5, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Location: Zoom Meeting – access see page 2
Agenda (time estimates in minutes)
Meeting material available at PVCICS or by request sent to info@pvcics.org,
Including Old Minutes
Public comment: email info@pvcics.org before 5:00 PM January 4, 2023 to request/arrange public comment 
· Call to Order
· Public comment (5)
· Administrative items (5)
  a. Minutes – vote
  b. Rules of Order – Board Attorney (20)
· Committee & Task Force Reports 
  a. Trusteeship Committee (5)
  b. Finance Committee (5)
  c. Personnel Committee (5)
· Principal’s Update (5)
· Executive Director’s Update (5)
· New Business (5)
· Adjourn

As per Open Meeting Law, this announcement meeting has been posted in the PVCICS office,                      sent to the Secretary of State’s office, fax: 617-742-4822 and posted online at http://www.pvcics.org/home/board-of-trustees-main-page

Zoom meeting

PVCICS Board of Trustees January 5, 2023 at 6:00 PM


Join Zoom Meeting



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Meeting ID: 849 0087 4111

Passcode: 516219

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