School Guidance Counseling
Welcome to PVCICS’s High School Guidance Counseling Webpage!
The school counseling department supports the mission of PVCICS by providing services that promote the development of all students in three domains: academic/technical achievement, social/emotional growth, and college and career readiness. The Massachusetts Model for School Counseling, based on the American School Counselor Association National Model, is the template used to create a comprehensive school counseling program.
PVCICS Student-Parent Resources
PVCICS uses Naviance Student, an online college and career readiness tool to assist students with career exploration, goal setting, college planning and college applications.
The comprehensive school counseling program is delivered through:
Classroom lessons
Individual student planning sessions
Individual and group counseling sessions
Small group
Workshops for parents and students
The content of a comprehensive school counselor program includes but is not limited to:
Academic planning
College planning
Career awareness, readiness and exploration
Personal/Social Support, Prevention and Intervention
Counseling services are available to all students and parents to assist in educational, career, and social/personal matters. Individual student counseling is provided on a short-term basis. The counselors will furnish referrals for students and families to outside counseling agencies if the need for more lengthy or specialized services should arise. Counselors are members of the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) team and Student Support Team (SST). The counselors assist each student in developing and implementing a successful high school and post-secondary plan that meet their individual goals and objectives. Students and parents should feel free to consult with the counselors at any time during the school year. During the year, the counseling department will organize programs and workshops for students and parents/caregivers to assist students in the post-secondary planning and financial aid process.
The International Baccalaureate + Chinese = College Admissions
Students and parents are often curious about how colleges view the International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme. Colleges LOVE the IB Program and recognize the rigor of the IB curriculum and that it provides an international standard recognized worldwide. Each college factors the IB into their admissions decisions differently so be aware that how colleges award credit for IB courses will vary. PVCICS encourages parents and students to research the answers to these questions for each of the colleges of interest and counselors can assist in this process. For additional information on the IB and colleges, please visit the IBO website.
See the PVCICS School Profile below.
Which US and International universities recognize the IB program and award credits for IB?
The university policy index allows you to filter colleges and universities by country and/or name.
Peer Tutoring has started. See below for more information.
Resources This is a working list so check it for any changes!
Guidance Forms and Additional Support
PVCICS 8th Grade Parent Presentation - Making the Leap to High School
School Profile 2024-2025 in PDF format or text format (for translation to languages other than English).
PVCICS Program of Studies 21-22/Curriculum Guide
College Admissions Testing:
More Information
Career Resources
Career Zone
Mass CIS -
Career One Step -
Finding a Major -
Salary Information -
Financial Aid & Scholarship Information
Every college is required to have a “net price calculator” on their website that will provide students an estimate of the cost to attend, using information entered by the student.
Students can access financial aid through four sources: Federal, State, College/University, and outside private scholarships. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is the form that all colleges and universities require. It is available starting October 1st. An additional application that many private colleges and universities require, the CSS Profile, asks for in-depth information for the purpose of awarding students their privately managed money. Check the college’s financial aid website to see if the CSS Profile is required. Some colleges and universities have their own application process for funds.
The FAFSA and CSS Profile are the two primary applications that students and parents complete for the purpose of applying for loans or grants.There is a range of possibilities open to students to supplement the rising cost of higher education. The Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA) encourages students and parents to stay on top of application deadlines.
Online Scholarship Resources
There are many websites that provide extensive free information and search engines for both need-based and merit scholarships. Some of the most widely used are FastWeb, FinAid, Niche, Going Merry and Cappex.See handout for more scholarship resources and information.
Massachusetts Scholarships
The John and Abigail Adams Scholarship provides a tuition waiver for up to eight semesters of
undergraduate education at a Massachusetts state college or university. The scholarship covers tuition only; fees and room and board are not included.
The Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery with Distinction provides a credit toward tuition at Massachusetts public colleges and universities. Koplik Certificate vs. Adams Scholarship ComparisonSeal of Biliteracy:
Additional Resources
Tuition Break Program of New EnglandMilitary Websites - Interested students can learn about the requirements for admittance to one of the nations top military academies by logging on to their respected websites.
Peer Tutoring for middle and high school students - Tutor Request Form
Please complete this form to sign up for peer tutoring support.
Peer tutoring is available afterschool on Wednesdays starting 11/13/24 from 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm in classroom 229
Transportation is the responsibility of the students.
What is Peer Tutoring?
PVCI students are able to receive free tutoring from National Honor Society high school classmates who excel in certain subjects. Tutors will work with students individually or in small groups.
Why is Peer Tutoring important?
Peer tutors provide assistance with homework and test preparation and help for students to master their subjects through deeper understanding. Sometimes that extra help outside of the classroom is often all it takes for students to succeed.
Is there a charge?
There is no charge. Peer tutors receive volunteer service hours.
When and where does Peer Tutoring take place?
-Peer tutoring is based on the availability of our volunteer tutors so please be aware that tutors may not be available in all subjects. -Location: 229
How to get tutoring.
-Students sign up or can be referred for peer tutoring on this form here.
-Students drop into the Peer Tutoring Lab between 3:45-4:45 pm.Summer 2025 Planning Resources:
As you begin planning for summer 2025, we are sharing some resources with you.
College MatchPoint Resources:
Summer MatchPoint Activity Directory: Discover a wide range of summer opportunities, including courses, research programs, and service projects. Their directory covers in-person, online, and hybrid options to fit every preference. (free & fee based) Explore their directory:
TeenLife: (in person and remote programs)
After School Enrichment Programs: Discover free and fee based enrichment programs.
Summer Programs: Explore over 1,300 college-offered summer programs (free and fee based).
Teen Volunteer opportunities: Get inspired and find ways to make a positive impact in your community.
Pre-college offerings: Summer Programs in Massachusetts.