June 6, 2019

June 6, 2019

Board of Trustees Meeting
Agenda June 6, 2019 at 6:00 PM
Location: PVCICS, 317 Russell Street, Hadley, MA
Agenda (time estimates in minutes)
1.      Call to Order
2.      Public Comment (5)
3.      Administrative items (5)
a. Approval of April 30, 2019, meeting minutes – vote
b. Approval of May 2, 2019, meeting minutes – vote
c. Approval of May 16, 2019, meeting minutes – vote
4.      SEPAC Report (5)
5.      Committee & Task Force Reports (50)
a. Finance Committee (30)
                                          i.     Final budget for the upcoming fiscal year commencing July 1, 2019 - vote
                                         ii.     Recommendation regarding the renewal of the contract with the MP Group of Springfield as Independent Auditors - vote
b. Trusteeship Committee (5)
                                          i.     Aime DeGrenier presented as candidate for member of Trusteeship Committee - vote
c. Personnel & Grievance Committee (10)
                                          i.     Status of grievance filed in February 2019
6.      Principal’s Update (10)
7.      Executive Director’s Update (20)
a. Status of request for bylaws revisions to DESE
b. Upcoming BESE meeting on June 25, 2019 - vote
8.      Board Governance Discussion (15)
a. Recap of MPCSA webinars (10)
                                          i.     “What You Can Do … to Increase Your School’s Access to Funding” – 5/6/19
                                         ii.     “Charter School Leader Collaboration, Supervision, and Evaluation” – 6/3/19
b. Upcoming Board activities and responsibilities
9.      Board Members’ Updates (5)
10.   New Business (5)
11.   EXECUTIVE SESSION for discussion on strategy with respect to litigation and for discussion on property acquisition (30)

The PVCICS Board of Trustees will enter into Executive Session per M.G.L., c. 30A, s. 21(3) to discuss strategy with respect to litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares. Open session will not reconvene at the conclusion of the Executive Session.


The PVCICS Board of Trustees will enter into Executive Session per Chapter 30A Section 21(a)2 –To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property- open session will not reconvene at the conclusion of the Executive Session.


            As per Open Meeting Law, this announcement meeting has been posted in the PVCICS office, sent to the Secretary of State’s office, fax: 617-742-4822 and posted online at http://www.pvcics.org/about-pvcics/board-of-trustees