Supplies List - Middle School — Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter School

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Middle School Supplies List 2024-2025

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PVCICS Middle School

Student Supply List

Welcome to the new school year!  Below is a list of the basic school supplies you will need for your classes. Please read carefully as different classes will require different items.   Do note that more items may be added at the beginning of the year based on the class and teacher. Each student will also be provided with a Homework Agenda book, homework folder and a laptop. Parents/guardians need to fill out the acceptable use and liability forms for students to receive a laptop. The laptop is school property and the school is assigning a laptop to each student for use during the school year. These forms are filled out when you sign up for PowerSchool registration -

Highly Recommended for ALL grades

●      If student wants to wear a face mask in school, please send in face masks (bring multiple masks to change during the day.)

●      Pencils and black/blue ink pens

●      Lined and unlined white paper

●      Highlighters

  • Hand-held pencil sharpener with cover (to collect shavings)


6th Grade Student Supply List


  • 8.5X11 Notebooks (1 per student)

  • 1 Folder (bifold)

  • Pencil and eraser

  • Colored pencils (can be combined with other classes)


  • Graph paper   (1 pack per student)

  • Ruler with inches and cm (1 per student)

  • Pencils (no pens for Math)

  • Scissors (1 per student)

  •  Divider tabs

  • 1.5 in Binder with loose leaf paper ( 1 packet)

  • Colored pencils (1 pack per student, can be combined with other classes)


  • Glue sticks (1-2 Per student)

  • Colored Pencils (One pack per student), can be combined with other classes)

  • 8.5 x 11 spiral notebook (1 per student)

  • Index cards (1 pk of 100 per student)


●     .5 inch binder (1 per student)

  • Pencil (can be combined with other classes)

  • Highlighter (can be combined with other classes)


●      Notebook (1 per student)

●      Loose Leaf lined (or graph) paper (1 pack per student)

7th Grade Student Supply List


  • 8.5X11 Notebooks (1 per student)

  • 1 Folder (bifold)

  • Pencil and eraser (can be combined with other classes)

  • Colored pencils (can be combined with other classes)

  • Hand-held pencil sharpener (can be combined with other classes)


  • Basic Calculator (similar to this)

  • Colored Pencils (can be combined with other classes)

  • Folder (1 Per Student)


●      Composition notebooks (2 per student)

●      Ruler with cm (1 per student)

●      Glue sticks (4-5 per student)

●      Colored Pencils (One pack per student, can be combined with other classes)


  • .5 inch binder (1 per student)

  • Pencil (can be combined with other classes)

  • Highlighter (can be combined with other classes)


●      Notebook (1 per student)

●      Loose Leaf lined (or graph) paper (1 pack per student)


8th Grade Student Supply List


  • Pencils and sharpener ( no pens for Math)

  • Scissors (1 each)

  • 1.5 in Binder (1 each)

  • Folder ( 1 each)

  • Divider tabs

  • Colored Pencils (One pack per student, can be combined with other classes)

Algebra 1 students only

●      Graphing Calculator (1 each)

●      Graph paper (1 pack)

●      Ruler with inches and cm (1 each)

●      Pencils and sharpener (can be combined with other classes)

●      Notebook (1 each)

●      Folder ( 1 each)


  • 8.5X11 Notebook (1/student) - may be one-subject or multi-subject, must be lined

  • .5 inch binder (1 per student)

  • At least one highlighter, any color (can be combined with other classes)


●      Notebook (1 each)

●      Loose Leaf lined (or graph) paper (1 pack per student)


●      Ruler with cm (1 each)

●      Composition notebooks (2 composition notebooks each)


●      8.5X11 Notebooks (1 per student)

●      Folder (1 Per Student)