PLEASE follow these rules:

  • Park legally along the perimeter of the parking lot. If there are no spaces, park in the middle in a neat row. Do not block traffic. See map below.

  • Respect the bus by giving it a clear SAFETY ZONE (see red in map below).  The bus is dropping off on Union Street AND ALL TRAFFIC should not rush to exit.  Do not cut off the bus or block the road.   Note:  the bus red flashers mean no one should be driving around it or near it.

  • Drive slowly and cautiously in the parking lot.  Plan to be there 5 minutes before the bus arrival.

  • In the morning, please keep students in their cars until the bus is ready for boarding.  Do not let students run around the parking lot, disrupt traffic, ”hang out” at the intersection or play with the “walk button” at the traffic light.

  • In the afternoon, please wait for the bus to stop completely and then parents/guardians MUST MEET at the bus door for K-5th grade students.  K-5th graders must NOT be allowed to run to their pickup car!   Students in grades 6-12th grades may walk from the bus to their parents/guardians cars.